40 Kenesary, 1205 office

г. Astana

+7 (717) 227-99-96

+7 771 532 22 00

About the Association

The non-profit organization "Republican Association of the Hereford Breed" (hereinafter referred to as the Association) was established on March 30, 2012. The founders of the Association are: Akseleu LLP, Dinara-Ranch Agrofirm LLP.

The main objectives of the Association are:
  • representing and protecting the interests of the members of the Association provided for by the Charter of the Association;
  • increase and distribution in the territory of the Republic of Qazaqstan of the livestock of breeding animals of the Hereford breed;
  • expansion of the sphere of influence in the livestock industry, and development of the market for high-quality meat and other products of the Hereford breed;
  • coordination of interaction between the work of subjects in the field of pedigree cattle breeding, engaged in the breeding of the Hereford breed;
  • coordination of selection and breeding work with the registered livestock;
  • promoting the export and trade of the Hereford breed bred by members of the Association.
To implement the statutory goals, the Association carries out the main activities:
  • organizes recording and maintains a database of Hereford breeding animals of the members of the Association, by registering them in the information base of selection and breeding work;
  • coordinates selection and breeding work in the herd;
  • assigns status to a breeding animal;
  • carries out the issuance of breeding certificates;
  • participates in the determination of the annual quota of the sold pedigree products (material) subject to subsidies, within the limits of budgetary funds provided for the specified purposes;
  • informs about new programs, services, technologies and directions for improving the genetics of the Hereford breed;
  • participates in the organization of fairs, exhibitions, auctions (exchanges) for the sale of pedigree and purebred Hereford animals in Kazakhstan;
  • cooperates with foreign organizations, including the introduction of new technologies, the improvement of genetics, the spread of the Hereford breed, as well as strengthening ties that promote the development of the Hereford breed and related businesses;
  • cooperates with associations of other countries for breeding the Hereford breed;
  • other types of activities that do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In its activities, the Association is guided by the following regulatory documents Law of the Republic of Qazaqstan "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Qazaqstan on Pedigree Livestock Breeding" dated December 3, 2011, entered into force on January 1, 2012; "Rules for assigning breeding status and the procedure for issuing breeding certificates" dated June 1, 2012 No. 724, Resolution No. 986 dated July 28, 2012 - decrees, orders of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Rules, Appendices to the Rules, approved forms of accounting for breeding products (material) No. 924 of July 9, 2012, application forms for registration, for obtaining breeding certificates were sent to all farms with Herefords. Forms of breeding certificates are approved by the Government. Legislatively, the Associations are assigned functions - assigning breeding status to an animal by registration, issuing breeding certificates, in accordance with the Rules for assigning status, rules for issuing breeding certificates.

Number of members 136
The actual number of registered heads134989
The actual number of certificates issued81282

The Association organizes accounting and maintains a database on pedigree animals of the Hereford breed by registering them in the information analytical database of selection and breeding work; coordinates selection and breeding work in the herd for reproduction of animals with high genetic potential, achievement of the highest results in productivity in breeding animals, their conservation.

The Association verifies the data on animals of the Hereford breed (imported or born in Qazaqstan) in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Qazaqstan "On Pedigree Livestock Breeding", the rules for registration and issuance of pedigree certificates, since one of the most important tasks of the Association is to preserve the pedigree and other information about the animal.

The Association forms and maintains a database of breeding animals of the Hereford breed with the history of sales and movement of livestock.

All sales of breeding animals of the Hereford breed are made through the submission of applications by farmers for the issuance of breeding certificates to the Association, which makes it possible to track the history of the breeding animal.

Information about the planned sales of breeding animals by the members of the Association is sent out, through the regional departments of agriculture, in electronic form to all small farms that are interested in buying for the breed transformation of the herd.

The Association, in close cooperation with Kazakh Research Institute of livestock and fodder production, conducts joint visits to farms to carry out various research works. Builds relationships with other specialized research institutes.

Since July 2012, the Association was the first among all such organizations in the republic to be included in the Hereford World Council. In May 2013, the head of LLP "Agrofirm" Dinara-Ranch "and concurrently Chairman of the Council of Qazaqstan Hereford Association was awarded the Certificate of Honorary Breeder of Canadian Herefords.

Also, it is worth noting about the close cooperation established by the Association with the Hereford Associations of Canada, Australia, Denmark. Thus, especially for the breeders engaged in the reproduction of Hereford cattle on the territory of Kazakhstan, the Canadian Association is developing a 6-part film about the peculiarities of the care and raising of Hereford cattle. In October 2013, at the international exhibition KAZAGRO-2013, the Association signed a memorandum with the Australian Hereford Association on attracting Hereford breeders to a 3-week business training on the best farms in Australia. At the same time, it is expected that all costs associated with the organization of this training, including: flight, accommodation, meals and others, was borne by the Australian side.

In 2014, the Association, together with Angus Qazaqstan, organized the work on the standardization of internal documents following the example of the western and southern partners of both Associations. These changes affected the Association work, as well as some internal rules of the Association. In 2015, the Association participated in the KAZ FARM -2015 exhibition. In 2016, the Association took part in the Hereford World Convention in Uruguay. In 2015, the Association participated in the KAZ FARM -2015 exhibition. In 2016, the Association took part in the Hereford World Convention in Uruguay. In 2018, the CEO, together with the Members of the Association, attended the 15th European Hereford Breed Congress "Hungary -2018". In 2019, two large-scale exhibitions were organized together with other Associations "Lepsy-2019", "Beef Tour-2". In 2020, the Association took part in the Hereford World Convention in New Zealand.

In 2015, the Association participated in the KAZ FARM -2015 exhibition.

In 2016, the Association took part in the Hereford World Convention in Uruguay.

In 2017, the director together with the Chamber Members visited the Meat Tour in the USA, Texas. At the KAZ FARM -2017 exhibition, at the special invitation of the Chamber Director, Judge P.G. Butler came.

In 2018, the CEO, together with the Members of the Association, attended the 15th European Hereford Breed Congress "Hungary -2018".

In 2019, two large-scale exhibitions were organized together with other Associations "Lepsy-2019", "Beef Tour-2".

In 2020, the Association took part in the Hereford World Convention in New Zealand.

The Association regularly consults all breeders of the Hereford breed, regardless of their membership in the Association, on issues related to import, sale, registration in the IAS, subsidies, etc.

Periodically, there is a transfer of information on the registration of purebred animals by farms in the Association: to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regional departments of agriculture and regional territorial inspections of KGI in the agro-industrial complex of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Association participates in all industry forums with the participation of domestic and foreign specialists, in training courses at KAI, KAM.

Chairman of the Council of the Association - Ataybekov Bakyt Yntykbaevich

Director – Idrisova Lyazzat Baltabaevna

Association Structure

I. Members (Association founders) - 136 members of Association.

II. Council of Association (Protocol №22, absentee voting of members of the Republican chamber of the Hereford breed from June 24,2024.):

  • Ataybekov B.Y. — Chairman of the Council of the Association, founder of Dinara-Ranch AF LLP;
  • Zhumachev N.S. — member of the Council of the Chamber, founder of the farm "Bolashak";
  • Malaev S.T. — member of the Council of the Association, CEO of Akseleu LLP;
  • Musxanov Z.B. – member of the chamber council, director of LLP "Sandyktau";
  • Suleimenov C.T. – member of the chamber council, head of farm "Bolat".

III. CEO – Idrisova Lyazzat Baltabaevna

IV. Control and Auditing Commission (Protocol №22, absentee voting of members of the Republican chamber of the Hereford breed from June 24,2024.):

  • Deputy chief accountant of LLP “Agrofirm Dinara-Ranch”;
  • Chief accountant of LLP “Akseleu”;
  • Accountant of LLP “Sandyktau”.
Council of Association

The Hereford Association Council shall exercise its activities and general administration in accordance with the Charter of the Council.

The main tasks of the Council are:

  • determines the rules of procedure and exercises control over the financial and economic activities of the executive body;
  • approves the budget of the republican Association;
  • recommends to the collegial body amendments to the tariff policy;
  • recommends to the collegial body the candidacy of the executive CEO for approval;
  • exercises other powers that do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Qazaqstan.

Members of the Council carry out their activities free of charge.

Executive Body

The CEO is appointed by the Members of the Association.

The competence of the CEO includes the solution of all issues that are not within the exclusive competence of the General Meeting of Members and the Council of the Association.

The CEO carries out general and operational management of the activities of the Association, is accountable to the Council of the Association, organizes the implementation of decisions of the Council of the Association and the General Meeting of Members of the Association.

The CEO, without a power of attorney, acts on behalf of the Association and represents its interests.

The CEO enjoys the right to dispose of property and money, concludes contracts, including labor contracts, issues powers of attorney, opens current and other accounts in banks, issues orders and instructions, gives instructions that are binding on all employees on issues related to his competence.

The competence of the CEO includes:

  • organizes the registration of breeding stock, depending on the chosen direction of livestock breeding by assigning (suspending, canceling) the status of breeding products (material) in the manner approved by the authorized body;
  • determines the breeding value of breeding animals, including breeding animals-producers, in accordance with the instructions for grading (assessing) the breeding value and reproduction of animals, approved by the authorized body;
  • issues (cancellation) of breeding certificates for breeding products (material) in the manner approved by the authorized body;
  • recognizes a breeding certificate or an equivalent document issued for imported breeding products (material) by the competent authorities of the exporting countries, in the manner approved by the authorized body;
  • submits a proposal to the local executive bodies of regions, cities of republican significance, the capital on the distribution of subsidies for pedigree products (material) within the budget;
  • maintains and publishes herd books separately for purebred animals;
  • monitors data on grading (assessment) and informs stakeholders about its results;
  • in agreement with the collegial body, approves the breed standard;
  • exercises other powers that do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Qazaqstan.