40 Kenesary, 1205 office

г. Astana

+7 (717) 227-99-96

+7 771 532 22 00

For free:
  • popularization of the Hereford breed;
  • consultation on the registration of cattle in the IAS system;
  • consultation on filling out and submitting applications for the assignment of breeding status for cattle;
  • consultation on filling out and submitting applications for the issuance of a breeding certificate;
  • collection and provision of information on the number of Hereford cattle to the local executive authorities and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Qazaqstan;
  • informing about innovations in the field of animal husbandry.
For fee:
  • assignment of the breeding status of Hereford cattle;
  • issuance of a breeding certificate;
  • providing information on the number of registered breeding stock and other services;
  • advertisement of the Hereford breed for potential buyers;
  • advertising of goods and services related to the area of cattle;
  • organization of exhibitions, seminars, trainings, auctions.
Тарифы на услуги, оказываемые Республиканской палатой породы Герефорд с 17.05.2023 г.:
№ п/п Type of service Unit of measurement For members of
the Association, KZT
Non-members of
the Association, KZT
1 Ежегодный членский взнос членом Палаты с поголовьем до 75 голов, включительно for 1 head 1500 0
2 Ежегодный членский взнос членом Палаты c поголовьем более 75 голов за 1 год 180000 0
3 Регистрация животных в возрасте до 12 месяцев for 1 head 1500 6000
4 Регистрация животных в возрасте старше 12 месяцев 3000
5 Регистрация животных импортного поголовья (семя) for 1 head 3500 7000
6 Выдача Племенного свидетельства на животное for 1 head 2000 5000
7 Выдача дубликата Племенного свидетельства на животное for 1 unit 500 2000
8 Срочная регистрациия и(или) выдача Племенного свидетельства животного for 1 head 500
Services for urgent assignment of breeding status to an animal and issuance of PC with:
Unit of measurementPrice in KZT
150 heads500
3100 and more300